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Start Your Real Estate Career While in College

Start Your Real Estate Career While in College

College students looking to start a career in real estate can start right away. You can work with the pros and start your career while still studying. As a part-time agent, you can also enjoy flexible hours that will accommodate your schedule and provide you with...
The Best Apps That Real Estate Agents Can Utilize In 2022

The Best Apps That Real Estate Agents Can Utilize In 2022

Real Estate agents have one of the most difficult and easily one of the busiest jobs out there. They have to juggle clients, traveling, loads of paperwork, and so much more. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way we could take a few of those things off of...
5 of the Best Cities in the U.S. for Real Estate in 2021

5 of the Best Cities in the U.S. for Real Estate in 2021

Real estate is a popular form of investment since it provides the opportunity to earn regular monthly income from rental properties. If done right, rental properties can earn you enough money to offset monthly expenses for your property and earn some extra income, but...
Building a Better Commercial Real Estate World After the Pandemic

Building a Better Commercial Real Estate World After the Pandemic

Just like people need a roof over their heads, businesses traditionally needed a structure for their operations. This can be a factory, warehouse, or shop. In the last decade, this logic has changed, and the COVID-19 crisis has changed people’s perceptions about where...